As concepts of citizenship are challenged not only by processes of globalization but also by renewed demands of recognition and rights, do our understandings of consent as an essential underpinning of democratic societies demand rethinking?
Sponsored by the Institute for the Study of Human Rights and the Institute of African Studies, with the Maison Française, the Department of English and Comparative Literature, the Alliance Program, and the Institute for Religion, Culture and Public Life.
Etienne Balibar is currently a Visiting Professor with the Department of French and Romance Philology at Columbia University. He serves as Professor Emeritus of moral and political philosophy at Université de Paris X – Nanterre and Distinguished Professor of Humanities at the University of California, Irvine. Some of his recent publications include Europe, Constitution, Frontière (2005); L’Europe, l’Amérique, la Guerre. Réflexions sur la mediationeuropéenne (2003); and Politics and the Other Scene (2002).
Genevieve Fraisse is a preeminent French feminist philosopher serving as Research Director at the National Centre for Scientific Research in Paris, France. She is the author of numerous publications, notably, “La Fabrique du féminisme, Textes et entretiens” (Le Passager clandestin, 2012); “A côté du genre, sexe et philosophie de l’égalité” (Le Bord de l’eau, 2010); and “Du Consentement” (Seuil, 2007).