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Pakistan Today: Domestic Challenges and External Pressures

An all-day workshop for the development of chapters of the forthcoming Pakistan: The Most Dangerous Decade Begins? Because the issues in these papers are so timely, the public is invited to sit in on this highly-technical scholarly process.

Preliminary Schedule:

Opening remarks – 9:30 am

Alfred Stepan (Columbia University) and Christophe Jaffrelot (Sciences Po and Princeton)

Inner tensions

Mohammed Waseem (Lahore University of Management Studies), The operational dynamics of political parties in Pakistan

Philip Oldenburg (Columbia University), Will the Judiciary Save Pakistan?

Aqil Shah (Harvard University), Democracy and the Military after Musharraf

International dimensions – 1:30 PM

Maryam Abou Zahab, INALCO (Paris), Turmoil in the Frontier

WPS Sidhu (New York University), The Changing Balance of India-Pakistan Relations

Serge Granger (Sherbrooke University) and Farah Jan (Rutgers University),

Pakistan-China Symbiotic Relations

Christophe Jaffrelot, The US-Pakistan Relations: A case of reverse clientelism?

Co-sponsored by The Alliance Program, CDTR, and IRCPL