Friday, February 22
10:00am–12:00pm: Panel on Constitutionalism and Legal Pluralism
Paper by Dieter Grimm (Humboldt University) with comments by Andrew Arato (The New School) and Turkuler Isiksel (Columbia University)
2:00–4:00pm: Panel on Religious Legal Pluralism and Family Law
Paper by Linda McClain (Boston University) with comments by Mirjam Kunkler (Princeton University) and Karen Barkey (Columbia University)
Saturday, February 23
Room 707, International Affairs Building
10:00am–12:00pm: Panel on Republicanism and Freedom of Religion
Paper by Michel Troper (Paris X) with comments by Claudia Haupt (Columbia Law) and Stathis Gourgouris (Columbia University)
2:00–4:00pm: Panel on Freedom of Religion and Religious Establishment
Paper by Larry Sager (University of Texas, Austin) with comments by Nancy Rosenblum (Harvard University) and Jean L. Cohen (Columbia University)
Space is limited; register with Lily Glenn at
Sponsored by the Blinken European Institute and the Institute for Religion, Culture, and Public Life