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Toward the Reform of the Criminal Justice System: Religious Perspectives

The command given to Abraham in Deuteronomy 16:20, “Tzedek, tzedek tirdof” (“Justice, justice you shall pursue”), is one of the most famous and nebulous of the Hebrew Bible. Could a reassessment of religious traditions help us to illuminate American society's crucial issue of mass incarceration and need for a reform of the criminal justice system?


"Toward the Reform of the Criminal Justice System" aims to probe the ways in which religion might help or hinder the efforts to promote the reform of this legal institution.  Our panelists will trace and challenge the religious rationale used to justify mass incarceration. With “Old Testament justice” commonly understood to mean harsh vengeance, advocates of retribution often invoke the Hebrew Bible, but rely on an incomplete view of Jewish law. We will also examine how former prisoners’ reentry raises the question of pardon and rehabilitation mandated by the monotheistic religions.

Panelists will include:

This event is free and open to the public.  Registration is not necessary.